A fond farewell to Laurel & Michelle

laurel chief officer and michelle deputy chief officer at qube

A fond farewell to Laurel & Michelle

At the end of March, we said a fond farewell to our Chief Officer, Laurel and her Deputy, Michelle after a combined service of over 30 years with us.

Laurel and Michelle have both played huge parts in what Qube have achieved to date, supporting the development of Qube’s key services, including Dial-a-Ride and our Community Arts Programme.

Laurel has also played a fundamental role in developing many new partnership projects we are currently involved in. This includes projects such as Social Prescribing, the Shropshire and Telford cancer Champions campaign in conjunction with Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, and the VCS Mental Health Project with Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership, to name a few. All of these projects have focused primarily on supporting the wellbeing of the local and wider communities of Shropshire over the years.

Their departures have been a notable period for the team, and we’re eternally grateful for all of the support they’ve given in the period up to them leaving. They have both ensured that Qube has been left in a fantastic position, plus there are already a whole number of exciting opportunities the organisation has in store for the future. Laurel’s successor, Kim Wootton will be joining Qube in mid-April.

Heather Noble, the Chair of Trustees says; “We are so grateful to Laurel and Michelle for all of their work during their combined 30 years at Qube. Michelle has done a brilliant job at developing the Dial-a-Ride service into the fantastic community service it is today andnd Laurel has worked tirelessly to raise the organisations profile, but also to address the needs of our community. We wish them both the very best of luck for the future!”