03 Jun A Volunteer Story: Fran Robinson
“I’m Fran, a Social Group Helper here at Qube. I’ve been volunteering here for about eight years now and still love being part of it.
Previously, I’d been a Magistrate for 11 years, but one is put onto the Magisterial compost heap at 70, so I looked around for something else to get involved in and Qube looked like a great starting point.
I met with the Volunteer Coordinator who initially suggested the reception area, however, due to hearing problems (I am partially deaf) the echoey area proved too much of a challenge for me, so I asked if I could help with the Tuesday Social Group as an alternative as I knew it was growing. It was a great fit and I enjoyed meeting and helping the ever-increasing members participate in the various activities each week.
As the COVID pandemic hit, like many other things, we had to take a break from the Social Groups, so to fill the gap during this period, I chose to join a band of telephone befrienders, ringing two blind group members each week.
Following the pandemic, I returned to assisting the Groups but had to take a short break as my health took a bit of a turn. Now my health is in a better place, I’m able to assist with the Social Groups again, but usually only when an ‘all hands on deck’ situation arises, such as the Cambrian Heritage Railway trips and the National Lottery ‘Qube Friends’ Celebratory Party. I thoroughly enjoy still being part of these as it allows me to interact with the many members I’ve helped and supported in the past.
Why volunteer? Well, it’s a great opportunity to try something new and it’s also great to learn new things – for me it keeps the brain alive. I also love the aspect of meeting and interacting with different people this is where the start of many friendships are made. I firmly believe that whatever one puts in, one gets back with interest and I’m not sure that possible volunteers realise that.
Volunteering for me is incredibly important, so I have chosen to pledge time to Qube and other charities too. I’m also a volunteer dog walker for the Cinnamon Trust and an Enter & View volunteer with Healthwatch Shropshire.”