
Oswestry Community Action, otherwise known as Qube, is a registered charity based in Oswestry, Shropshire. Its aim is to improve the quality of life for people in North Shropshire and North East Powys through the provision of Community Transport Services, a Volunteer Centre, Arts and Culture, Shopmobility and Care Services.

Qube also has a community building with facilities which include a purpose built contemporary art gallery and meeting/activity rooms.


Qube began as Oswestry Helpmates in 1989 with an ethos of access to services for all. Our services have been developed over time in response to local need such as rural poverty and lack of opportunities. The majority of our services are aimed at those who are disadvantaged which includes disability, health including mental health, unemployment and rural poverty and isolation.


Our services keep people engaged in their community, help them to feel less isolated and to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.

AllOfficersTrusteesAdmin & CoursesArtsBuildingSocial GroupsSocial PrescribingVolunteeringTransport
Head of Trustees

Heather Noble


Charles Brotherton


Janet Byatt


Richard Amos

Kim Wootton Chief Officer
Chief Officer

Kim Wootton

Operations Manager

Nia Lloyd

Community Transport Officer

Roy Pryce

Digital Skills Coordinator

Billie Morris

Gemma, Qube's Arts & Creativity Officer
Arts & Creativity Officer

Gemma Manning-Bentley

Marketing & Communications Officer

Charlotte Roberts

Volunteer Coordinator

Susie Sutcliffe

Social Group & Befriending Coordinator

Bella Doolan

Wellbeing & Befriending Project Lead

Holly Corrigan

Social Prescribing Community Development Officer

Lou Woolcock

Mental Health Support Officer

Adam Fejfer


Cassy Wellman

Cancer Champion Coordinator

Rebecca Hennessey

Blood Pressure Champion Coordinator

Jo Longetti

Social Prescribing Community Development Coordinator

Lynsey Arnott

Volunteer and VCS Infrastructure Officer

Alex Evans

Marketing & Communications Officer (Maternity)

Emmy Clarke

Receptionist & Administrator

Nikki Pugh

Head of Trustees

Heather Noble

Hello. My name is Heather, I have been a trustee with Qube for three years and I am the Chair of Trustees.


I had come to know about Qube and some of the valuable work they do in the community as part of my involvement with Oswestry Chamber of Commerce and dealings with Oswestry Town Council. This is why I chose to join the trustee board. I also wanted to be able to offer support through my local contacts, knowledge and skills. Little did I know just how much more to Qube there is!


I work closely with Laurel our Chief Officer and my fellow trustees but have been enjoying more regular contact with everyone during the recent crisis.


The thing I love most about my role, I have to say, is the team, they truly are amazing. I think it takes a special type of person to work at Qube and fortunately for us not only we have attracted them, but they stay! We have a team with a wide range of skills and experience who come together to create a fabulous support service for the young through to the elderly.


On a personal level, I too get to be part of the team. I have learned so much about how charities and the local community work and the types of support our community needs. I’m now much more aware of just how significant a difference Qube makes.


I’d struggle to say I’ve made working at home fun. Being unable to see people, unless via a computer screen, is the worst thing. Nevertheless, we have come up with creative ways to keep in touch and make sure we get our fix of silly nonsense each day. The good weather makes things bearable, so I aim to eat my lunch outside, listen to the birds and watch my flowers grow.


Not seeing people has been hard enough to deal with, but I miss the Qube building too; I always get a warm welcome. Every time I visit there’s something new, whether it’s art, something for sale in the cabinets or some quirky thing on someone’s desk with a personal story attached to it.


Let’s just say when we get back to ‘normal’ there is going to be a lot of hugging going on. I never hugged the team before but I think it’s going to have to be done. So, look out!!!!


My favourite biscuit of all times is a fig roll.


My top three lock-down songs are


Hold My Hand – Jess Glynne (because of the wonderful father and daughter lipsynch and dance routine that went viral
Spell Songs – Scatterseed
Ain’t Nobody – Rufus and Chaka Khan


Charles Brotherton


Janet Byatt


Richard Amos

Chief Officer

Kim Wootton

Operations Manager

Nia Lloyd

Community Transport Officer

Roy Pryce

Digital Skills Coordinator

Billie Morris

Arts & Creativity Officer

Gemma Manning-Bentley

Marketing & Communications Officer

Charlotte Roberts

Volunteer Coordinator

Susie Sutcliffe

Social Group & Befriending Coordinator

Bella Doolan

Wellbeing & Befriending Project Lead

Holly Corrigan

Social Prescribing Community Development Officer

Lou Woolcock

Mental Health Support Officer

Adam Fejfer


Cassy Wellman

Cancer Champion Coordinator

Rebecca Hennessey

Blood Pressure Champion Coordinator

Jo Longetti

Social Prescribing Community Development Coordinator

Lynsey Arnott

Volunteer and VCS Infrastructure Officer

Alex Evans

Marketing & Communications Officer (Maternity)

Emmy Clarke

Receptionist & Administrator

Nikki Pugh