16 Aug Call for entries – Social Prescribing Exhibition
This September from the 21st, we will be having a special Social Prescribing Exhibition and we are looking for artists to share pieces of work that show the benefits of art and creativity for health and wellbeing.
If you would be interested in sharing a piece of work with us that shows your process and how you use art to help your general wellbeing, please do get in touch before September 13th!
As well as this, we are looking for community groups and activities for our pop up prescriber table in the gallery. It is free to have a table from 10am to12pm on a weekday during the exhibition, where you can bring along information about your services in the local community. Booking is essential.
Artists, please contact Gemma Manning-Bentley, Art and Creative Officer at Qube on g.manning-bentley@qube-oca.org.uk or pop into Qube for a chat.
Community groups looking to have a pop up table, please contact Lou Woolcock on l.woolcock@qube-oca.org.uk or pop into Qube for a chat.