Cathy Preston

Cathy Preston

While our social groups were temporarily suspended due to Covid-19, we’ve invited some of the scheduled guest speakers to tell us a bit about themselves and the incredible work they do…


Local willow grower and weaver interested in herbs, cooking, gardening, the natural world,  country living and crafts in fact in anything that can promote a more sustainable and grounded lifestyle.

Cathy has a strong connection with the natural environment having worked for an environmental charity for more than 15 years.  In 2016 she started More than Willow to reflect her love of working with willow and other natural materials and to share her enthusiasm with others by running workshops and giving talks. Encouraging people to unleash their creative talents and to take inspiration from the natural environment is at the core of Cathy’s workshops.  The willow she uses is mainly from her own willow beds in Shropshire and she weaves items to celebrate the seasons and to link to gardens and wildlife.

With a keen interest in the natural world and gardening Cathy also grows herbs and loves sharing her enthusiasm and quirky facts with others.  During the recent coronavirus lockdown she has started blogging again, something that she did prior to setting up More than Willow.  You can read her thoughts and perhaps even be inspired to try some of her suggestions and recipes!

Why not have a look at her website or follow her on

Facebook @morethanwillow

Instagram @morethanwillow

Cathy Preston, More than Willow  email