19 Mar How much do you know about Qube?
Did you know Qube has seven core services that serve the needs of the local community? Many people may only know about one or two of these, depending on which service they access but there could be plenty of other ways that we can support you or someone you know.
Community Transport:
Our fleet of minibuses and community cars help individuals, school pupils and daycentre groups get to where they would like to go. Our Dial-a-Ride service is open to anyone who cannot easily access public transport and who do not have their own car. This could be due to rural isolation, age or disability. They transport passengers to a range of places, for example, doctors/hair appointments, shopping trips, to see friends and family, anywhere they would like to go…
Our in-house volunteering centre can support you if you’re looking to start volunteering. We can offer advice and guidance on how to get in touch with organisations and help you search for the right role. If you’re an organisation or community group looking to recruit volunteers we can help you too.
We have three gallery spaces at Qube and a shop displaying locally made arts, crafts and cards for sale. We also offer a range of arts, crafts and well-being courses and events where you can pick up new skills, take some time out for yourself or network with others. Over the years we have had a range of community and outreach projects to help allow anyone to engage with the arts and local heritage.
Prevention and Well-being:
Our twice weekly social groups offer activities and friendship for those who are at risk of loneliness and social isolation. For those who are unable to leave home we offer telephone befriending and activity packs posted to the door. Our hot meals service delivers freshly cooked hot food, by OsNosh, to the door once a week for those who may otherwise go without. We can also arrange for shopping orders to be taken and delivered to our members at home.
Social Prescribing:
Our Social Prescribing team are out and about in the local and wider community identifying activities, groups and organisations that can help people improve their health, well-being and social welfare by connecting them with their local community. We offer an online directory, referrals and support for VCS organisations.
If you’re struggling to get out and about we have a range of wheelchairs and mobility scooters for hire. These can be hired out for as little as half a day to as long as you need. Full training is provided and we can offer advice on which equipment best suits your needs.
We promote the services of local community groups and organisations though an online directory on our website and in our leaflet display in reception. We also organise regular Community Connectors meetings and news bulletins to allow local groups to come together, network and build partnerships. Our team are always on hand to provide information about local services and can signpost you to any services that may be able to help.
For full details on all our services take a look through our website, email info@qube-oca.org.uk or via the online chat, call 01691 656882 or pop in and see us.