
The main role of a Tool Ambassador is to be our first contact in their local community. Our Tool Ambassadors are the people that members of the public contact to donate tools. Members of the public will contact you via email or phone. We will give you a TWAM email that goes on our website and will only give out your phone number to people who ring our office (because they may not use email). You can then arrange to either pick the tools up from them, or have them dropped off at your house, whichever you prefer. You will then need to store them until the TWAM van comes to you to collect them. This can either be on a rota basis, or when you ring your named Van Manager to ask for a collection. Many collectors also promote themselves in local magazines and notice boards

What skills do I need?

Tool Ambassadors need to be enthusiastic about what we do and the transforming power of tools. Many people donating tools do so following bereavement, so we need sensitive people willing to stop and talk rather than rush off. In others words, kind and friendly people! If you are driving to collect, you will need a valid UK Driving Licence but if you become a drop off point this is not needed Legally we will also need to check you have adequate motor insurance and your car has an MOT. However, this is not needed for a drop off point. You will also need somewhere where you can store tools awaiting collection from the TWAM van

Posted for
Tools with a Mission

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  • Black and Minority Ethnic Communities
  • Civic Responsibility and Communities
  • Developing Countries
  • Employment, Education and Training
  • International Development
  • Livelihoods
  • Women's Issues


  • Driving
  • General Helping


  • Certificate of public and employers liability that covers young people in all their activities with you
  • Child protection policy
  • Complaints Policy and procedures
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • DBS Policy for staff and volunteers
    Not applicanle
  • Diversity Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Ex-offenders Policy
  • Expenses Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Regular Risk assessments of the work environment
    Not applicable as remote roles
  • Volunteer Task/Role description
  • Volunteering Policy & Agreements
  • Vulnerable Adults Policy

When can I volunteer?

Start Date: 20/06/2022

End Date: 20/06/2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Morning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Afternoon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Evening Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Availability Details

Flexible - collections are arranged between the Volunteer and the Tool Donor


This opportunity can be carried out whilst working from home.

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