Qube delighted to be running Digital Skills Shropshire Programme

Digital Skills Shropshire Project

Qube delighted to be running Digital Skills Shropshire Programme

Qube are delighted to be able to be working with Shropshire Council to offer the Digital Skills Shropshire Programme to help combat the digital exclusion and divide.

Digital inclusion and digital literacy are more essential in today’s world than ever before. So many everyday services we require, such as utilities and banking are moving online, as are job and training opportunities and connecting with loved ones.

10.2 million people in the UK lack the basic digital skills needed to use the internet, with millions still living without access to a device or data to get connected*. People experiencing digital exclusion are being left behind, sadly causing a digital divide between those connected and those disconnected.

The Digital Skills Shropshire Programme works with all of the groups affected, as well as those who are socially isolated, families with lower incomes and people experiencing homelessness to ensure they can safely and confidently access digital services by delivering free drop-in sessions and one-to-one workshops, either at Qube or at your home.

By providing this service, we’re supporting digital inclusion, offering people the opportunity to participate in day-to-day life and will support people to use online and digital services where they may lack online access or have low skills or confidence. Other benefits include saving money, reducing loneliness and isolation, increasing skills and knowledge, and even increasing employability skills.

What’s more, it’s reported two million households struggle with the affordability of internet access*. To support those who need it, Qube are working with the Good Things Foundation to provide at least 60 households with access to free data over a six-month period, to enable digital services and enrol in the Digital Skills Programme to support their ability to use digital technology.

Kim Wootton, Chief Officer at Qube says: “This programme offers much-needed support to our community.  We are providing free 1-2-1 sessions to give individuals digital confidence. In our post-Covid world, much of what we do is now online and for those who are digitally excluded this can mean higher costs and a lack of opportunity.  Through this programme, we can make a difference.”

If you or someone you may know can benefit from using this programme, you can find out more about the programme by calling 01691 656882 or joining the Digital Skills Shropshire Programme Open Morning on 23rd March 2024 between 10 am and 12 pm.

*statistics provided are from The Good Things Foundation.