SAND Covenant

One of Qube’s core values is to be ‘inclusive’ which is why we’ve taken the opportunity to work with SAND (Safe Ageing No Discrimination), a local organisation campaigning for LGBT+ Rights in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin) .
colourful umbrellas with sand logo

What is SAND?

SAND takes a targeted approach to increasing LGBT+ inclusion, challenging discrimination, promoting accessibility and equality of opportunity for LGBT+ people ageing in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. They work with the LGBT+ community and service providers to develop inclusive practice in general, while focussing on the particular experiences and needs of LGBT+ people. To find out more about SAND and the fantastic work they do head on over to their website.

two ladies talking

Why did Qube sign up to the SAND Covenant?

We want to create an inclusive environment for our team and service users alike. We want our staff to feel supported and confident enough to have open and safe conversations and be supported with a learning approach that promotes confidence in providing support and our services to marginalised groups. Offering an inclusive and neutral venue to host workshops and events means that Qube’s services will become more relevant to the communities we are serving, it will also offer opportunities to influence change assumptions within the wider community.

holding hands

What have we done to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin since signing up to the Covenant?

  • We’ve commissioned SAND training for staff members.
  • We’ve worked to ensure equality and diversity is covered in our Staff policies.
  • We’re working on adding the work of SAND and the covenant to our volunteer induction programme.
  • We’ve outlined and worked on an Action Plan for providing support of the covenant commitments.
  • We’ve reviewed and are working to improve our resources to ensure they are thorough and available to all.
  • Qube are now listed as a ‘Safe Place’ in our community so people are aware we are open for them to feel safe and supported.
  • We will be adding SAND information in our regular e-updates and staff and volunteer newsletters.
  • We’ll be appointing champions of the Covenant who can speak and highlight the importance of the programme.
  • We incorporated the WAVE project into our 2024 exhibition schedule.
  • Our Senior Management Team will have a commitment to the ongoing support of the covenant written into their job descriptions.
planning future

Helpful resources

SAND have collated a fantastic range of resources that support the LGBT+ community – particularly older and old members of the LGBT+ community – please find them here.

resources SAND